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Information for families with children in Year 10
The government has said that secondary school students sitting exams next year - Year 10s - are on track to start receiving face-to-face support from their school from Monday 15th June. But they don’t expect these students to return full-time. The government has also published guidance for families with children in secondary school.
When will you reopen?
We will open to Year 10s from Monday 15th June - if the government confirms it is safe to do so.
Will you reopen full-time?
No, Year 10 will return to school on a part-time timetable. Children will be split into groups based on what subjects they are taking.
We will contact families directly to let them know when their child can attend school.
Which pupils can attend school?
Year 10 pupils can attend part-time.
The children of key workers and vulnerable children can attend full-time.
How are you preparing to reopen?
We’re taking a number of steps to make sure we can open as safely as possible. Our school is being deep cleaned over half term.
We’ve installed sanitiser/handwashing stations in all of our classrooms
We have no-touch thermometers
Teachers have PPE for medical emergencies
We have put up signs to remind pupils to wash their hands
Perspex shields have been added to reception
Where necessary, 2m spacings have been marked to make social distancing clear
Desks/workstations will be moved apart
How will you keep my child safe?
Children will be split into groups based on what subjects they study. They will stay with their group throughout the day – different groups won’t mix. Each group will have their own dedicated outside space and toilets.
Half the number of pupils will be in each teaching space
Desks/workstations will be moved apart
Social distancing markers throughout the school
Handwashing/sanitising will happen before entering and leaving the school
Encouraging regular handwashing/sanitising
In the toilets, middle sinks will be closed off so that pupils are distanced when using them
Personal belongings (food, pens, books etc.) won’t be shared
Doors will be propped open to minimise touching door handles
A one-way system will be in place to minimise movement around school
Only teachers/teams timetabled to be in school will attend – minimal visitors
Will there be increased cleaning?
Yes. Over half term the school will be deep cleaned.
We will also be increasing cleaning throughout the school day. This includes:
Touch points, such as hand rails and door handles
Emptying of bins
Tables and surfaces
We will also have a weekly deep clean of all spaces in use and in addition, these areas will be serviced by a fogger machine.
Will children be social distancing?
Yes, we will be encouraging social distancing and there will be markers on the floor throughout the school. Each group will also have dedicated outside space and toilets.
Children will use specified entrances/exits to the school and there will also be a staggered end to the day.
Each teaching area has its own designated toilets, some sinks will be closed off to make sure people are distanced from each other.
How will teachers be protected?
We have PPE available for teachers dealing with medical emergencies.
What will my child be learning?
Our teaching teams will be helping to prepare children for their exams next year. They will be taught their chosen subjects.
How will my child enter/leave school?
There will be different entrances and exits for each group. We’re going to be making the most of our space to make sure groups don’t mix.
All entrances/exits used will have hand sanitizer stations.
The end of school will be staggered so that children can be distanced when they leave the site.
We will contact families directly to let them know further details.
Will my child have to wear a uniform?
Yes, but they won’t need to wear their tie or blazer.
Will you provide lunch for my child?
Where possible we encourage you to send your child with a packed lunch from home. Lunch will be provided for those pupils who collect free school meals.
A reduced menu will be available from the canteen at lunchtime. Orders will be taken in the morning and the catering team will deliver food for children to either eat at their desk, or use the outside space provided.
Will my child be able to use outside space?
Yes, they will be able to go outside with their group. They will have a dedicated outside space and it is expected that they adhere to social distancing measures when using this space. Pupils will be supervised at all times.
They will sanitize their hands when they leave and re-enter the building.
I’ve received a letter from the NHS saying I should be shielding. Do I have to attend?
No. If you have received a letter from the NHS instructing you to shield, we don’t expect you to attend school.
Will you continue to look after key workers’ children?
We will continue to offer full-time care for the children of key workers and vulnerable children.
Will remote learning continue?
Yes, we will continue to deliver remote learning to year groups not in school.
What should I do if I have questions?
If you have questions, please email or phone the school. Teachers won’t be available to talk to in person.