Enrichment & Activities

Enrichment and Cultural Capital

Enrichment has changed and developed a lot at Cromer, and we are always looking for new ways to deliver this vitally important part of our curriculum.

On Wednesday mornings Years 7 through to 9, have an hour and a half off timetable to access to a wide variety of experiences and develop the knowledge and skills required for them to go confidently into the next stage of their lives. Our enrichment programme is designed to help promote the life-skills needed for everyday life, develop “soft skills” such as communication skills and teamwork that employers frequently claim they need, while also giving pupils the opportunity to challenge themselves and find out more about their interests and passions. Our programme is based around either the chance to volunteer, developing a new skill or taking part in a physical activity. For example, pupils could take an enrichment to develop their depth of interest in a certain subject (e.g. Performing Arts, Science or P.E.) or to try something completely new (e.g. Cooking, Debating, Sign Language, Golf or building drones). There are usually some opportunities (e.g. the Duke of Edinburgh) to obtain extra qualifications or awards.

Enrichment is a fantastic way to increase pupils’ enjoyment of school life and create an inclusive, community spirit within the school. Taking part in enrichment activities develops skills that prepare pupils for life and the next stages of their education. Encouraging pupils to get involved in school life, such as in the Gardening or Eco-Club, helps create a community ethos which we see as essential.

Below/attached is an example of our most recent enrichment handbook to give you a flavour of what we offer. Personal Development Week is a concentrated effort to increase pupils' experiences and cultural capital, prior to the pandemic the academy has organised a number of school-based activities or trips for all pupils to access in late June or early July. Departments come up with activities or trips they would like to run. Their ideas are mapped out by members of the Leadership Team to ensure a wide offer is maintained and there is equality of access, particularly amongst pupil premium pupils. Activities are designed to give pupils a chance to: a.) Make further progress in an existing subject or skill b.) Try something completely different, perhaps a residential experience c.) As with enrichment, work with pupils from different year groups d.) Work with members of staff in different contexts and build our relationships and community.